Hi Kent, great tutorial as always. Would you consolidate the UV's of character models the same way as you do for the roc...

posted to: UV Consolidation
Hi Kent, great tutorial as always. Would you consolidate the UV's of character models the same way as you do for the rocks? Or do character model "parts" each keep their own separate UV's and textures/materials? Is there a standard practice for game characters?
  • Kent Trammell replied
    I doubt there's an industry-wide standard. I'm sure it's totally dependent on the situation. If the game runs better by characters sharing UV's/textures then that's the way to do it. If the game runs better by separating UVs textures, then that's the way to do it. My inclination would be to err on the side of consolidating UVs so multiple objects can share the same texture. The negative there could be that each of those objects suffer from limited detail/texture quality.
  • isbadan replied
    Thanks for the quick response. How about for an individual character, should I make one consolidated texture including all clothes, accessories and base mesh? or separate textures? or maybe a bit of both along the lines of metallic materials versus clothing? sorry for the newbie questions