How am I supposed to learn anything from this when all I get repeating in my mind is , "My god how do I even come close to...

How am I supposed to learn anything from this when all I get repeating in my mind is , "My god how do I even come close to doing this?". I am sorry but this course is unfair. This is like watching Yngwie Malmsteen giving instructional practice-videos. I was lost after two seconds. All this does is tell me how friggin great the instructor is, and how inadequate I must be.
  • Tim Von Rueden(timvonrueden) replied
    I agree that this course was more focused on an overview of what it takes to create a game asset concept piece and creating a turnaround from that. I know that for a future course I should go more in detail on the actual creation process not just an overview. This would include the technical and creative aspects of what brushes are being used and why!
  • thecaitasaurus replied
    I know I'd really appreciate more detail on which brushes you use and their use cases! :)