With this it seems that you have to plan out your animation pretty much 100% before doing it (which it seems is the right ...

posted to: Rigging Retrospect
With this it seems that you have to plan out your animation pretty much 100% before doing it (which it seems is the right approach). But still what there ways where it's feasible to just rig your model and try stuff out (a bit like the ball)? I hope that makes some sense to you. Also is there a way to auto set the empties so they fit perfectly with the cube? And thank you. These tutorials were a lot fun.
  • Chris McFall(unitedfilmdom) replied
    Sorry for slow reply, yeah animation is all about planning. you can play with clearing and setting the child of constraints as long as whilst your doing so you keep the animation on frame one. Empties appeance and scale can be changing on the data properties tab. Hope that helps and thanks for the kind words :)