If I wanted to make candle molds, which method would be best?

posted to: Matrix Mold
If I wanted to make candle molds, which method would be best?
  • Lisa Schindler(thesculptress) replied
    Hey Deborah! Which technique works best for your sculpted piece largely depends on its form. If it is a fairly simple form with a wide opening at the bottom you may easily get away with a block mold, but if it is more intricate and needs venting to release possible trapped air, then a 2-part-mold (box, matrix or brush-on mold) would be better. If you have a photo of the piece to be molded, please feel free to post it on the forums so I can give you better feedback: http://community.cgcookie.com. ~Lisa
  • nobodynothing replied

    hi Lisa,

    Really learning a lot, but have one question: can I make a matrix mold with a Plasticine clay original?

    Any advice to save on silicone costs?

