So I have made a tree, it is 5.3 blender units tall so it will be somewhat big in the game world. So I should probably mak...

posted to: UV Layout
So I have made a tree, it is 5.3 blender units tall so it will be somewhat big in the game world. So I should probably make three large trees like the one I have made and try to fit them on one texture image with a 4096x4096 resolution since I want the textures to look high quality? If that does not achieve the detail I want then I can just try two trees? I guess what I am asking is if it is ok to use just one image for one super large object.
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    You can use 4k texture maps for a few different trees. Unless you're going for a very high resolution look on your game 4k is more than enough for a few different models. You have to remember that even now, the most high end games out there don't use 4k maps unless you custom build this stuff to look super realistic. Typically I use 2k maps in Unity. It's really just personal preference but I rarely use 4k maps unless I'm going to combine a lot of textures together.
  • Keegan Keene(silver593) replied
    Yeah, I'm using a 2k image now for 4 trees. I think I will use 2046^2 or 1024^2 for most things.