I noticed in your video that even when you click on an object all of the other info on your dope sheet remains (mine disap...

posted to: Arcs of Motion II
I noticed in your video that even when you click on an object all of the other info on your dope sheet remains (mine disappears and only shows the datum for what I've clicked) how do I get mine to do that as well?
  • deadly_cicada replied
    Hey, I figured it out! It's the mouse image button next to the ghost image button at the bottom of the dope sheet. Clicking this will (as per the description): Only include channels relating to selected data. :D Hope this helps anyone else.
  • Cam McGregor(mcgregorc) replied
    At the bottom of the dope sheet view between the magnifying glass and the "Summary" button you will see three buttons; one that looks like a life preserver, one that looks like a ghost and one that looks like an arrow. Toggle the "arrow" on and off to show all keyframes or just the keyframes for the selected object.
  • Ido Reshef(ireshef) replied

    Thank you both ! 

    Life savers :)