I'm usually terrible at marking seams no matter how many tutorials/courses I see, and so I was wondering if it might help ...

I'm usually terrible at marking seams no matter how many tutorials/courses I see, and so I was wondering if it might help to first bake the normals without any seams, then mark said seams where I see edges smashing together? From this lesson, I had the hunch it would be a good visual aid.
  • Jonathan Lampel replied
    No worries, unwrapping takes practice! What do you find challenging about it so far? Seams are pretty important, so it would be good to dive in and get the process down rather than avoiding it, which would be more frustrating for you in the long run. If you make a post over on the Community with any UV troubles or frustrations, we can all talk through it and get you marking seams with confidence :) http://community.cgcookie.com/