I have not been able to replicate a good cloth sim for the past two days. I keep trying and I am having issues at the shou...

I have not been able to replicate a good cloth sim for the past two days. I keep trying and I am having issues at the shoulder where the pining is. Mesh keeps becoming garbled up and unusable. I swapped to the exact values used in video and cannot replicate a smooth cloth sim on the pinning areas. Not sure what else to do.
  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hi ddieselcookie - It's likely less about the values and more about the quality of the collision object. Did you decimate your sculpt to create a less dense version for cloth collision?

  • Megan Sheldon(illusiverealms) replied

    I've been having the same issue as well. Pinning seems to cause the vertices around the pins to react unpredictably and ignore gravity. I made sure that there were no intersections between the cloth object and the collision object, the collision object was properly decimated, and all object transformations have also been applied. I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. This kind of frustration with Blender's cloth sim happens every time I've tried to use it for practice or otherwise. >_<;;;

    I've included a google drive link to my .blend file and some screen shots: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-Nbo5YZpNanSk9ydC1CNWgwMk0