Are these tiny holes due to how the engine works or because of my models? they appear in some spots but in other spots lik...

posted to: Exporting to Unity
Are these tiny holes due to how the engine works or because of my models? they appear in some spots but in other spots like bridges are fine.
  • AmiTheRobot replied
    i think i figured it out, some of my edges on my models in blender were not exactly snapped fully for some odd reason, so i had to manually snap them myself. they look way better now.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Thanks for sharing your solution! No doubt will be helpful to others.
  • Vasily Razenkov(ilisav) replied

    Same problem. Vertex/ege snapping doesn't help... ((

  • Kent Trammell replied

    That may be a viewport aliasing artifact. Does the gab look tight when you're close up?