You can save a few steps by using Mesh > Transform > Shear instead of using the Knife Project. Select all of the edg...

You can save a few steps by using Mesh > Transform > Shear instead of using the Knife Project. Select all of the edges you want at the 45 degree angle, select Shear then hit x or y (depending on the orientation of the mesh) and then hit -1 or 1 depending on which direction you want it to angle. The shear function also has one of those handy 10 finger hot key configurations. ;) Anyway, I hope you find it as useful as I do.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Ooo nice tip, thanks for sharing! I'll give shear a try because that'll definitely save some steps.
  • nihi replied
    Thank you for this one. I think its worth mentioning that both of these techniques (knife project and shear) are viewport dependent. In this particular case, you have to be in top orthographic view for them to work.
  • deadly_cicada replied
    ^^I was having problems getting it to work right and this was why. Thanks for the heads up.
  • pantsuhunter replied

    Here is the easiest way to do it in my opinion. Takes like 15 seconds.

  • pantsuhunter replied

    And to make other type of wall, you need to select last vertex at bottom of contour instead of top one.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thanks for sharing this tip!