Hey Jonathan. Hope all is well. I was wondering why when I add the circle and then I "align to view" I see 2 circles worth...

posted to: Filling in the Orb
Hey Jonathan. Hope all is well. I was wondering why when I add the circle and then I "align to view" I see 2 circles worth of vertices. Nothing I've tried seems to remedy this problem (using 2.76). It gets worse when I scale it down to fit the outer perimeter of the dome of the robo-orb. Can't proceed until this gets solved. Thanks
  • awakeninganimations replied
    Hi there David, im not 100 percent sure but i think after just watching this course, you might have X ray enabled in your display properties and when in object mode it acts a bit funny...like i said i light be wrong, i havent started the exercise yet:)
  • David Frazier(pointoflife14) replied
    Yep. X-ray. Good call