Dear, Kent Trammel When I'm doing Rigify for my character, I'm generating a rigify button. Then I create a parental relat...

posted to: Rigify Overview
Dear, Kent Trammel When I'm doing Rigify for my character, I'm generating a rigify button. Then I create a parental relationship between the new rig, and the character, and a part of my character disappears for some reason. But it still shows in the Edit mode.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Can you list your modifiers in order from top to bottom (visually)?
  • Bathsheba Grossman(bathshebasculpt) replied
    I too see this: on parenting the body to the generated rig, most of the body mesh disappears from Pose and Object mode. Just the head and a little cross on the chest are left. It's all still visible in Edit mode, but that's not really useful. The body modifier stack is Mirror, Subsurface, Armature. Turning off Armature, or the Vertex Groups checkbox in it, restores the mesh. I don't think I'll need to rig much anyway, but I would have liked to see this work. Thanks if you can help...
  • Bathsheba Grossman(bathshebasculpt) replied
    OK the problem is the same as below: Rigify doesn't work if “Run Python Scripts Automatically” is off. As far as I can tell from a quick google, this option is now off by default in new Blender installs. Maybe add note that it needs to be on for this tutorial to work?