Im having issues with the Ctrl click Vertex groups. Its a little confusing in the video. My mesh seems to have weights ...

Im having issues with the Ctrl click Vertex groups. Its a little confusing in the video. My mesh seems to have weights properly and each bone is independent. Its just when it comes to weight painting Im unable to select individual bones with the ctrl click. I have tried to leave Pose Mode on, but when I switch to object mode to select the mesh and select weight painting, I am still only able to select different weights via the Vertex tab of my mesh. What can I do?
  • Brandon Dunham(jack-foole) replied
    I found a solution to my problem. If anyone else experiences it. First, click on your Skeleton. 2. Go into Pose Mode. 3. Without going back into object mode, hold down shift, 4. Right Click onto your mesh. 5. Immediately enter into Weight Paint. 6. Right Click bones to highlight them for weight painting.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Thanks for sharing problem + solution :)