[Edited] Confused with the relationships between vertex groups, weights, and bones

posted to: Weight Painting

After struggling with google and rewatching the courses, I am still confused with the relationships between vertex group and bones. As I am concerned, a sing vertex is influenced by different vertex groups according to weight, but it seems that the deform of a single vertex group can be influenced by different bones (also can be influenced by a single bone as showed in the eye lesson). I just wonder how bones affect the vertex group? And where shows the relationship between them in blender? Thanks!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    ddiaoheyhey Vertex groups define how much weight of bone influence is associated with your mesh's vertices. I'm not sure how to clarify further...does that help? Or can you provide more context?

  • diaoheyhey replied

    Thanks! My question is weird, never mind.