How important is it to have a pole target? i note that your red box, noting an incomplete IK modifier, turned OK after jus...

How important is it to have a pole target? i note that your red box, noting an incomplete IK modifier, turned OK after just adding the target - it appears the pole target is an "optional extra" but is it good practice to always include one, and can omitting it result in any issues? i'm wondering if not having one is what may be contributing to my issues? TIA
  • Yves Perera(shinsaku) replied
    The issue that you'll have by not adding any target will be that you'll be incapable of precisly controling the orientation of the IK bend, it will just go wherever it wants to. ;)
  • Yves Perera(shinsaku) replied
    And yes, it is good practice to always include a target.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Yves is correct - It's always better to have a pole target than to not.

    What do you mean by the red box?
  • killer-wolf replied
    cheers for the replies. i meant the red name box that you said indicated wasn't a properly completed/functioning contraint