When I do the constraint in mine I have to make sure the Plain axis empty is on the same Z location as the rotor blades ot...

posted to: Rig Hierarchies
When I do the constraint in mine I have to make sure the Plain axis empty is on the same Z location as the rotor blades otherwise it throws the blade at a weird angle. Any Idea why it isn't acting the same as in your video? I've tried it on different versions (7.6.5 and 7.3) and it acts the same way.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    That sounds correct to me. Axis orientation is very important for constraints, parenting, and rigging in general.
  • Jim Driscoll(justabiggeek) replied
    Thanks for the reply Kent. In your video the plain axis empty is above the rotor blade. When I tried it yesterday the plain axis empty had to be the same level as the rotor blade. I tried it again today and it worked like in your video with the plain axis empty above the blade. I'm not sure why I can't get consistent results. I'm sure it's something I'm doing that's causing the inconsistent results. It's all part of figuring out Blender.
  • Jim Driscoll(justabiggeek) replied
    I got it to work. I didn't see anywhere to publish a video so I put it on Youtube. Hope that's OK https://youtu.be/L0MBufWIa8A
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Haha that's a fun animation!