In the "Rig Hierarchies" video you have a master parent empty. How do you scale that to include more objects etc without i...

posted to: Rig Hierarchies
In the "Rig Hierarchies" video you have a master parent empty. How do you scale that to include more objects etc without it pulling everything apart, or scaling everything?
  • conspirisi replied
    Sorry it's not an empty, my mistake.
  • conspirisi replied
    Although, the master parent cube you added, comes in as wireframe and everything else is shaded, hence the confusion.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    I'm confused -- What's the reason for scaling the master but not wanting it to scale its children?
  • conspirisi replied
    If you add more children, and they start spilling out of the master, you might want to make the master larger to fit them all in. I guess the obvious workaround is to delete master, and make a new one.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    cconspirisi - Yes, removing the master relationship and re-doing it with the new children is the way to do that.