Hi Jonathan. Can you explain why using Decimate modifier would not be the great solution to lower the poly count? I know w...

posted to: Initial Retopology
Hi Jonathan. Can you explain why using Decimate modifier would not be the great solution to lower the poly count? I know we would loose quad and nice topology, but when it comes to game engines they require triangulate topology anyway. Thanks. BTW - amazing tutorial - as always.
  • Stanley Leland(wanderingmonk7) replied
    I don't presume to speak for Mr. Williamson on this. My experience has been that the resulting topology wasn't reaching my desired result. Mr. brown has a short article on 2.75 Remesh/Decimate Fun. http://community.cgcookie.com/t/2-75-remesh-decimate-fun/1782
  • bielus86 replied
    Thanks. For me the main trouble after using decimate on complex objects is unwrapping.