Why didnt the images channels show on the white canvas?? I understand white in a mix of R G B together But what is conf...

posted to: RGB Experiments
Why didnt the images channels show on the white canvas?? I understand white in a mix of R G B together But what is confusing me is why does it not show when you add each color alone??
  • buzqeshje replied
    oooooh because you cant add into white!! .. They start black n light it up unlike the CMYK yes yes xD So how come we can paint the basic colors without it disappearing to the canva?? (As in what is color video??) am i missing something?? >_< Thank you so much learning alot so far :D
  • Tim Von Rueden(timvonrueden) replied
    When you paint red onto the canvas the Red light in RGB lights up show that it displays red! Glad to hear you're learning, this was a favorite section for me to teach since I learned so much in the process of figuring it out.