Hey. Where is the event script in the adding animation events lesson? ty

Hey. Where is the event script in the adding animation events lesson? ty
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    It's in the Lesson 4 scene. Typically the end of one scene is the start of another. So in this case the end of lesson 3 is the start of scene 4. So each scene is a starting scene for that lesson but the next scene contains all the completed version of things.
  • codybrown replied
    thx. I figured it out. didn't even know we were supposed to download that file because until that lesson, was just following instructions.
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    Ideally I'd want students to create everything from scratch as in the videos, especially for scripting as it helps reinforce what was taught.