What you have shown with the Chain... to go left and right and up and down... I have also tried with the Stairs. I tired t...

posted to: Modeling a Chain
What you have shown with the Chain... to go left and right and up and down... I have also tried with the Stairs. I tired to make them go left, then right... But i always have to choose between the "empty" or the "chain" Modifier. How would this be solved? Thanks in advance
  • mastart replied
    sorry, that is my english... ;-) (austrian) When i make stairs i only can make one diretion...a spiral staircases in that case. But what if i wanna make stairs to maccho pichu? goint left and right and up and down... and maybe different sizes...or is that an advanced thing to do?... Sorry btw... i have no clue how to find your adress to send you a print screen thanks for your help!!!