How much polish do you put on a high res mesh if you are going to retopo it? I assume you want to polish it in case you're...

posted to: Final Polish
How much polish do you put on a high res mesh if you are going to retopo it? I assume you want to polish it in case you're going to do some texture baking. Still ironing out my understanding of the pipeline.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Hey Ryan! Sorry for the late reply - Our comments system has been struggling for a few months, causing a backlog of unanswered questions.

    The level of polish for me depends on - as you mentioned - whether or not I'll be baking from the dyntopo sculpt. If I'm not baking then I'll concentrate my polishing efforts on the detail areas. But for smooth surfaces, which can be difficult to achieve with dyntopo sculpting, I'll opt to leave them unpolished and wait for retopology where it's easy to build a smooth surface.