My smooth brush doesn't do what it does in your video..dont know why but when i aplly it, it barely smoothens the object i...

posted to: Body Blockout I
My smooth brush doesn't do what it does in your video..dont know why but when i aplly it, it barely smoothens the object instead it deepens the part where i apply the brush as if its not the smooth brush at all...Someone knows what i am missing?
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Are you holding SHIFT while you make a brush stroke or switching to the Smooth Brush entirely?
  • sirmax224 replied
    I'm having the same trouble and holding SHIFT while using the inflate brush acts oddly. It is way overkill and basically just shrinks whatever I'm using it on, makes it narrow. And neither adjusting the strength of the inflate brush nor the smooth brush has any effect on this
  • selvin replied
    I have the same issue, did you manage to solve it? My Smooth Brush shrink the model instead of smoothing (and adding finer geometry) like in this video. I have Blender 2.76b.