No VBO in Blender 2.78. I noticed while I was looking for it that Blender was not set to use GLSL,so I set it to do so and...

posted to: Multi-resolution
No VBO in Blender 2.78. I noticed while I was looking for it that Blender was not set to use GLSL,so I set it to do so and got an immediate improvement in render speed. So thanks, Kent.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    No VBO? Interesting..I wonder if it's just on by default. Thanks for the tip about performance boost with GLSL!
  • Kim Bartholomew(kimba200) replied
    Yes, apparently it is enabled by default and can't be turned off.
  • Michael Wanyoike(brandiqa) replied

    No VBO in Blender 2.78c. I have a mesh with over 3 million polys and still no lag at all even when zooming in and out. I believe Blender is taking advantage of graphics card(nvidia 960m). Still the performance impact on my machine is very low, can't compare with 3D coat's sculpt room which has high cpu/gpu usage