Is it better to use an HD camcorder for capturing the video or a DSLR to set the frame rate for clearer images/tracking ma...

Is it better to use an HD camcorder for capturing the video or a DSLR to set the frame rate for clearer images/tracking markers? Is there a default position for the blender camera so the solve constraint is more accurate? Thank you!
  • Richard van der Oost(surfrender) replied
    It's hard to tell. Depends a lot on the specs of the camcorder/DSLR. For a good camera track you want to have low amounts of: Motion blur Noise Depth of field Rolling shutter Lens distortion That, in combination with a high resolution and a lot of perspective shift will give you nice shots to track :) It's also nice if you have the option to lock the white balance and exposure while you're shooting, it makes tracking easier, although the Blender Tracker has some functionality to handle this if it does change during the shot. The default position of the Blender camera doesn't affect the quality of your solve. It works kind of like an offset and you will change it if you're gonna align your scene after solving.