When right clicking the eyeball to add the lone vertex it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong. Also ctrl+right click does ...

When right clicking the eyeball to add the lone vertex it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong. Also ctrl+right click does nothing f2 is on
  • Ariel McNeal(arielhoover) replied
    I know its been a while since you asked this question but I'm leaving this answer as much for others as yourself. I am currently using Blender 2.77 and the only way I was able to get the single vertex to be placed was with CTRL+Left Mouse click. All other steps were the same; still in edit mode with nothing else selected. I'm not sure if this is because I have a setting in my build that differs from Kent and I am not sure what the setting would be. Hope this helps.
  • Silas Pross(chillaz) replied

    Thank you, does even work in 2.80

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Thanks for following up! I believe the difference is left vs. right click - Kent has been a faithful left clicker for a while so it differs from the default in 2.7 which was Ctrl left click like you mentioned. In 2.8 it's now Ctrl right click by default.