I was wondering, how is the background environment for the final turntable built? Is it an image just plastered into the b...

posted to: LEDs & Lens Glass
I was wondering, how is the background environment for the final turntable built? Is it an image just plastered into the backdrop, or is it actual textured geometry rendering along with the helmet? I want to also have some sort of background to go with my finished product before I displayed it to people, thanks!
  • Kent Trammell replied
    It's actual geometry downloaded from blendswap: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/69301

    I just built a simple room out of those pieces and applied generic shaders using the same techniques as the helmet.
  • c-aqua replied
    Awesome, thanks! I've built actual geometry and used the same shader techniques as you suggested and the turntable is rendering as I type. Hopefully I'll have a finished product to show off by tonight / tomorrow! Thanks again! :D