Loving the course so far! One quick question: is there any advantage in using the "Symmetrize" sculpt option compared to t...

Loving the course so far! One quick question: is there any advantage in using the "Symmetrize" sculpt option compared to the Simmetry modifier? At a first glance they seem to yield the very same result to (a newbie like) me
  • Kent Trammell replied

    I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it, dmolin!

    I’m not aware of a Symmetry modifier…unless you mean the Mirror Modifier. In which case, the symmetrize option has the benefit of convenience. It’s a one-click solution compared to deleting half of the object, selecting the mirror modifier, setting proper axis and other settings.

    But aside from convenience, I'm not aware of any other advantages.

  • dmolin replied
    Oh yes, you're completely right, I was referring to the mirror modifier :D