Hey Kent! I'd like to know how "perfect" the curves and such must be on the helmet when first sculpting it. I ask because ...

Hey Kent! I'd like to know how "perfect" the curves and such must be on the helmet when first sculpting it. I ask because I'm having trouble making things perfectly round. There's always some lump here and there, and my hands are kind of shaky anyway, so when I do the work, it's always wonky looking. I try to get as accurate as possible but I have to lift up my hands at some point because I'm taking so long.
  • Kent Trammell replied
    Your sculpture is never going to be perfect, so don't stress about that. The retopology phase will fix all the wonkiness.

    Think of the sculpture as a sketch and the retopo is tracing over the sketch to extract the refined form.
  • jazze replied
    Oooh, okay! That's relieving, actually, because I keep messing up some parts, too. Sooo annoying... Thank you, Kent!