With the modifier stack from top to bottom: mirror -> shrinkwrap -> subsurf I see horrible dents around the wh...

posted to: Modeling the Body
With the modifier stack from top to bottom: mirror -> shrinkwrap -> subsurf I see horrible dents around the wheel holes with the matcap. Setting the modifier stack to: mirror -> subsurf -> shrinkwrap Everything looks great. I wonder after finishing this lesson in the tutorial, why it wouldn't be better to have them in that order?
  • mseddon replied
    I notice now that with the modifier stack in that order- we lose the nice curve around the cockpit cutout as the mesh wobbles around the underlying triangles... Definitely not what we want.
  • mseddon replied
    The issue is visible in matcap here: http://s33.postimg.org/io3wshnr3/ding.png with the wireframe here: http://postimg.org/image/hkjsgj33v/ What is strange is it seems that only the rim around those holes are actually touching the surface of body block- everything else is inset somewhat. Here's a profile along the edge with the body selected and the body block behind in black: http://postimg.org/image/eggit9htn/
  • mseddon replied
    In your video it was above :) Thanks for all your help! Actually I figured out a workaround. The problem was with shrink wrap on the bottom of the stack, the holes looked perfect, but the cockpit rim got distorted. By creating TWO Shrink-wrap modifiers (one above and one below) and assigning them to appropriate vertex groups allows me to get the best of both worlds- something I can see coming in handy later when I'm dealing with much more complex surfaces!