Since reading the question and answer below, I tried checking to see if the array has something in it, and if it did, destroy the grenade. That stopped the blocks from being exploded repeatedly! XD I don't know any better way to do that yet.
Yes the grenade should be destroyed but I would instead put a timer within the Start function of say 5 seconds or so then have it destroyed. This way the grenade would destroy itself anyways even if not rigidbodies are within the explosion radius.
Hmmmm, how do I get it to actually work? Do I need to make an array in Start, instead of the Explosions function? It seems not to work anywhere else but where I first put it. :(
Sorry I should've been more clear. You can add the destroy line in a few places. Either in the Start function as such:
void Start ()
Destroy(gameObject, 5f);
or after the foreach loop in the explosions function like such:
void GrenadeExplosion ()
Vector3 explosionPos = transform.position;
Collider[] col = Physics.OverlapSphere (explosionPos, radius);
foreach (Collider obj in col)
if (obj && obj.attachedRigidbody)
obj.attachedRigidbody.AddExplosionForce (power, explosionPos, radius, liftPower);
Destroy (gameObject);
Note that in this case I just have it instantly destroyed once this function is called. So if I called that function from "OnCollisionEnter" it would then explode and destroy the grenade at the same time to create a more realistic effect. Hope that helps.
Oh, okay! It seems like the second method works best, but I made a slight delay of 0.4f because it would get destroyed before the explosion happened. ;_; Thanks!