For noobs out there like me, or for those who don't know

posted to: Outlining the Shape

At 1:36, instead of pressing E to extrude then deleting the unneeded faces, just press Alt E then choose Extrude Manifold so that it doesn't create the unneeded faces.

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi ttoffieplay ,

    That's cool tip, but if you followed along and Deleted the top and bottom Faces (~0:48), this doesn't work.

    If, you would instead have Hidden the top and Bottom Faces (with H), the Extrude Manifold does work as you describe:

    Deleted Faces:

    ALT E_00.png

    vs. Hidden Faces:

    ALT E_01.png

    ⚠️ It will make a difference, later in the Course, whether you have Deleted, or Hidden the top and bottom Faces, so be careful.

    1 love