Trouble with "Greater than" math node.

Question Materials and Textures

Hi !

I'm setting up an edge wear mask after watching up this very useful video by rileyb3d.

When i connect the whole thing to the viewer node to see the result, i get this :

I then add a "greater than" math node in order to obtain a black and white mask, using a threshold of 0.1.

According to the blender documentation :

So, if i am not completely dumb, i should not have any intermediate (grey) values left after using that node, yet :

I guess i must be missing something here, but i can't figure out what it is... 🤔

If anyone wants to take a look at the .blend file, here it is.

a few precisions :
- i also tried placing a "round" node just before "greater than"
- and adding color ramps at various places
- changing the threshold
... none of this works 

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Koala ,

    The link says Access Denied.

    But anyway, you are absolutely right, that the Greater Than only outputs 0 or 1, nothing in between.

    So, the only thing I can think of, would be that it has something to do with your lghting, but as you have it connected to a Viewer Node, that seems to be unlikely...

    Please correct the Link and also mention what Blender Version you are using.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Oh, I think I know what's happening.

    The Bevel Node gives a 'noisy' result, creating the illusion of grey:

    Edge Wear.png

    1 love
  • Koala replied

    Link corrected !

    I am using Blender 4.3.2

    1 love
  • Koala replied

    The fact that there is a "fading" effect on the noise texture near the limit of the edge mask makes me think it is not a display artifact 🤔
    Adding a additional "Greater than" after the multiply node didn't correct the problem either.

    Anyway, i think that for this project i'm going to paint the edge wear by hand... or forget it altogether...

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Like I said before, the 'problem' is the Bevel Node, not the Greater Than Node.

    The fading effect near the Edge of the mask is actually something that is usually wanted; saves you from blurring the mask.

    In your case, if you don't want that, panting by hand would be a good option.

    1 love