I'm using Blender 4.3 and when I tried to follow along with the video, I found that my toolbox was missing some options. Could I get some help please? I also noticed that the symbol under "Brush Assset" is different in my Blender, but I'm unsure as to why. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I found the missing options when I long-pressed the box icon. Is there a way to show the options permanently, like in the video?
Hi Luca, I would recommend you follow this course using Blender 4.2 LTS if you're just starting out. Grease Pencil got a MAJOR overhaul in 4.3, and tidying up the toolbox was one. I've covered some of the updates here: https://youtu.be/zrIPbky8Xf8 specifically 1:08. While you *can* follow along using 4.3, you're going to have to make alot of concessions for the new changes which I hope to cover in more detail later this year.