F hot key question.


So when i was following along with the Press Start tutorial, I had a problem with the F hot key. I needed to connect two vertices, how ever i encountered an issue, see image below. I was trying to connect the console's vertex to the d pad's vertex, but instead it randomly connected two other vertexes. I was wondering if anyone knows what's going on.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

-SirKaioMan1-24 12_17_22 AM.png1-24 12_17_38 AM.png

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Kai SirKaioMan ,

    That's a classic; those two Vertices belong to different Objects and that's why you can't connect them.

    You Added all your Buttons and D-Pad and Screen, while in Object Mode (as you can see in your Outliner):


    What you can do, is switch to Object Mode (from the state you are in in the Screenshot) and (having all the Objects Selected), combine them into one Object, with CTRL+J (to Join them). Maybe Deselect and Select your console, to make sure that is the Active Object, or simply re-name your Object afterwards to console.

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