Hi all,
I need to boolean a nine ctlinders from a sphere with good result like this pic:
So I get the same reault to the secend pic( there I will add 27 keya in the holes.
Using boolean modefire gives an art effects to the ball.
Any ideas?
There are cases where manually modeling something is easier. This is one of those cases. In this case you just need to model the curved T shape. Then Use an array modifier using and empty to do a circular array. Then add a mirror modifier along the z axis so that the top is mirrored along the bottom.
Yeah I agree with Dwayne, sounds like it's easier to model the resulting shape and then arraying them in a circular shape using an empty. But if you're going to use the boolean way, apart from most likely having to go in and clean a lot of the resulting shapes, you have to place the circles so they overlap and create those gaps between the circles. These gaps:
Thank you guys, I will apply what you advice and let you know.
I don't know if this will help you to get your objekt, but if you move an Ico Sphere with a 2+ level subdivision, this is what you get.
Then, after the subdivision, use the cast modifier or “to Sphere” to make the sphere a little rounder
Hi guys,
here is my attembt for create the shape, but I dont satysfied with the result and its not clean; maybe sone can give me an idea to model it an easy way rather that the boolean and tweaqe the topolyge and soon.
Hi BBlendash ,
I don't know of an easy way of doing this, but you are well on your way👍🏼
It looks like each piece has a Solidify on it, instead of 'shrinking' towards the center; I'd expect you need something more like this, maybe:
Perhaps you can reconsider using a Solidify Modifier on a Sphere, followed by a Boolean Modifier (that's what I did in this example), Applying the Modifiers and then do a Retopology.
Thank you guys for your help, I just didnt like the result of the Boolean it hadd lot of un nessesary verstix and for me its hard to clean it and if I add a SDS on it it will look ugly.
Any way I end up clean it as much as I Can, and I get this result somehow happy with it.
Here is my new question, instead of open new thread to ask it here, I wan to find away to make the buttons interact with the pluse when its touch any of the keys,
I dont want to be there is agab between the plus and the key when it pressed down, But I want to button pressed a spasific distance and when the plus moves up or leave the key it gets back to the orginal location, in the same time I want to link the rotation of the keys ball with the rotation of the plus on any direction(x.y.z)
I tried it with geometry nodes, But it doesnt give me the result I need, I use proximity and rang map to solve it but I feels there is a better way?
Hi BBlendash ,
That sounds like a job for the Transformation Constraint.
Here's an example for the button press (you'll need different values of course):
You can then also add one for the Rotation.
Hi Ashour BBlendash ,
Constraints are explained really well in the Fun damentals of Rigging (in Chapter 4, to be exact, but I'd recommend you to watch all): https://cgcookie.com/courses/core-fundamentals-of-rigging-blender
But this sort of interactivity you are looking for (if I understand it correctly) might be easier to solve in a Game Engine.
Hi MMartin Bergwerf , Here is what I am looking for:
And I will watch the course for sure.
It works for me even though I am a complete newbie in Geometry Nodes. However, I believe there might be a better way to achieve this using Geometry Nodes or other tools in Blender.
I may be bias since I love rigging, but I believe the easiest way would be to use an armature.
What you need: 1 bone set to center of the ball for rotating the ball and the buttons. 1 bone for each button. Each one will be the child of the ball bone. The head of the bone should be at the base of the button and the tail should be at the top of the button. Then one bone for the cross. Head needs to be in the center of the cross if you want to be able to rotate the cross and keep the effect. Also you want the crosses bone to point straight up if you want to use Y axis for up and down. If you want it to be z then you will need to rotate -90(positive 90 if you are doing it in right side view) I recommend locking location axis that aren't used. Select all bones then in n-Panel(Technically the sidebar. Press N to open it) hold ALT key down and change rotation from quaternion to XYZ Euler.
Parent the meshs: Since there isn't any deformation you can just parent to the bones. Cross parents to cross bone. each button bone parent's to their bone. Ball's shell parent to the ball bone. Just in case: select armature, ctrl+tab to pose mode, select bone, ctrl+tab to object mode, select mesh, shift+select armature, press ctrl+p->bone. Repeat for next bone/mesh.
Now the constraints: In pose mode, select the cross bone, shift+select the top button bone, press ctrl+shift+c->Limit Distance. This will add a limit distance constraint to the top button. Now select cross bone and move it down the furthest it will push a button down. Then select the top button bone and in the bone constraints tab of the properties editor(Chain link with a bone icon). Change clip region from inside to outside. The button should jump. Reduce the distance until you have the button at the position you want.(It touches the cross without overlap. select the cross bone and press shift+ctrl+c->Limit location. Change owner from world space to local space. If you are using Y then check Y min and copy(ctrl+c) and paste(ctrl+v) the number from the y transforms in the n-panel(n) to the Y min. Just do it to the z if you're using Z axis. Optionally you can check max as well. Select all the other button bones and shift+select the top button bone last so it's active. Click pose menu->Constraints->Copy constraints to selected bones.
Notable problem: If you rotate the ball while the cross is down buttons will wiggle(move away from the cross).
Thank you @Dwayne
I will try your rigging way once I deep more in rigging.
Just aquestion in Geometry nodes, let says I model some objects on spherical shapes like the keys above, is it possble to make the Geometry nodes relize evey object/ keys in that coolection when I bring it in the Geomety nodes? becouse I find its not easy to instanse something and it make the geometry nodes complex for me.
I want to use the Geometry Proximity to effects a single object/ key in my case. insted of re add one key and instant manny times and get object intrescet with each other. hope some answer my question if that possible or not?
Thank you all for al your help.
Hi BBlendash ,
I do not understand your question, sorry.
But what's with your Map Range Node? From (Min) 1 to (Min) 0 and from (Max) 1 to (Max) 1 at the same time (and to everything in between)?
Hi, Sorry for my English if I can't explain it very well.
It's complex in Geometry Nodes to create the object above with all the keys arranged around it. So, I created them in Blender using duplicates and rotation to arrange the keys, and then I added them to a collection.
Next, I made a plane and added a Geometry Nodes modifier to it. I dragged the collection into the nodes. Now, I want to treat the keys inside the collection as instances so I can use the Set Position node and Geometry Proximity node to affect one key that interacts with the "Plus" (my empty character that will bounce on the keys).