Trying to hold CTRL and Right click to get the 4 points

I made sure to turn off my reference as selectable and no object was selected, I am still not able to create four points by holding CTRL and right clicking. Maybe I have certain preferences I need to enable?

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Xavier,

    Are you talking about the bite marks at ~6:50?

    Then you need to be in Edit Mode and Vertex Select Mode. Also, if you would be using Right Click Select, that Shortcut would be CTRL+LMB.

    If that still doesn't work, you should try disabling all 3rd party Addons.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes as Martin says. Be sure to be in edit mode and that you have nothing selected, otherwise if you have a vertex selected the command will work as a string of connected vertices. And if you have everything selected, it will function as a duplicate option. Also try downloading a fresh Blender and trying it there, because you may have an addon that is messing things up.

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