Weird blue pixelated borders

Hi fellow Blender people, I am doing the second details and it keep adding that strange white pixelated border with pixel soft /I am using v4.3.) I know I can blur it after, but is it possible not to have it there at all? :-) Thanks

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  • Omar Domenech replied
    Hello Pavel. Which pixelated border? It all looks fine to me. I can see a small black patch on the grey part, but that's it. The borders look good.
    1 love
  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    The pixelated bit on the gray part on the right side? I think I'd have to see the flat texture with UVs to attempt to troubleshoot. Is it right on a seam?

    1 love
  • Pavel Polz(Arthuro) replied

    when you open the image it shows better, I am painting dark brown with paint soft and it adds white edge to it . 

    No the wood part

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Perhaps you mean the HDRI reflections? Feels like that is just the lighting. Try changing the HDRI world and see if it goes away.

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