Mouse buttons reversed

posted to: Selecting Objects

Apparently at some point in an earlier install/preferences, I managed to get my Blender to use the right mouse button to choose things. How do I get it changed back?

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  • James Wiebe(LazyUncleJ) replied

    Never mind - I just read the last question about loading the Factory Defaults and that fixed it for me.

    On the other hand, now my space bar wants to be the Play Animation instead of Search. *sigh*

    1 love
  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Hi James! To change the spacebar back to your preferred action choose Edit> Preferences> Keymap> Spacebar Action

    You can also use F3 as the search key which can be more convenient if you end up working on projects where you need the Play button easily accessible (simulations, animation).

    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    I'm pretty sure when you open Blender for the first time (or a new version of it), it asks for a quick setup of preferences. Right click to select is one of those options. That may have been when you changed it! You'll also find it in the keymap page that Coyo mentioned above.

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