Object Issue

Everything in my workspace is white. I added in the monkey and it is also white. If I try to draw with the pencil, nothing shows.

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  • Omar Domenech replied
    Hello. Can you add a couple of screenshots and describe with even more details the step you are doing, so we see if we can spot the issue.
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Also, especially with Grease Pencil, it can be important to mention the Blender Version you are using.

    1 love
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    Hi. I'd like the know the version of Blender you are using? The course was created (and therefore works best when using) Blender 4.2LTS. Perhaps could you make your file available so I could see what is going on?

    1 love
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    Off the top of my head, things to check:

    • What view are you in?
    • What is your Origin and Drawing Plane set to in Draw Mode?
    • What viewport shading setting are you in?
    2 loves
  • Luca Osinibi(Lightttt) replied

    I'm using Blender 4.3. If I try to draw anything it shows nothing and when I add in the monkey object, it only shows the orange click outline. I enlarged the brush here to show it. When I click and drag, no marks are made. 025-01-13 145742.png

    I think my 2d Animation workspace is recognising objects as 3d in my Blender according to what is below. This is when I add in the monkey object.

    Edit: Thank you for the above, Paul Caggegi, I was in material preview mode, but once I changed to solid it worked.

    On a different note, is there a reason material preview mode shows objects so differently? Thanks!

    2 loves
  • Paul Caggegi replied

    So glad it helped! Grease Pencil 3.0 is still getting improvements, and unfortunately the things that are missing or are buggy have been left like that in 4.3. Most of the corrections are going into 4.4 - still currently in Alpha. I have yet to check on the outline situation. I noticed the circle was using the pencil brush and set to stroke - this will not have any fill information, and the pencil material might be very light or very thin, perhaps.

    Here is some information on the differences between the viewport shade modes: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/editors/3dview/display/shading.html

    however it still doesn't help much in understanding why Grease Pencil is still the exception. For some reason, brush textures and effects are calculated at render time so to see them accurately, you'll need to switch to Rendered viewport mode. Material viewport shading is meant to be approximate for reasons of conserving resources.
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