Snap to surface with Sculpt brushes?

posted to: Retopology: Neck

I really wish Blender had a way to snap to another surface when using some of the sculpt brushes. Using Grab and smooth brushes while snapping to an underlying surface would be very convenient during retopology. I know other software has this feature, and I think there are some addons that can help, but is there a way to do it with built in tools? 


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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Never thought of that. As far as I know, you can't snap while sculpting. I may be wrong though, perhaps the other guys know of a way.

    Maybe using a shrinkwrap modifier? Sounds too cumbersome though.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    I always use Edit Mode for Retopology (you have Grab and Smooth functionality in Edit Mode).

    It would indeed be nice to have Surface Snapping in Sculpt Mode for some Brushes as well. The Cloth Filter can use Collision, but that's not at all helpful in this case.

    1 love
  • Kent Trammell replied

    Interesting. Yeah I can see how snapping could be useful when sculpting

    1 love
  • Markus Schille(MarkusSchille) replied

    If possible, you could drag topology across the surface with the grab brush and relax with smooth. Pinch is also quite useful.
    Sculping kind of works for adjusting the mesh with Shrinkwrap on top, but you have to apply the modifier quite often because the mesh will move away from the surface.

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