about auto merge

Question Modeling

can l mask some verts so they are not effected by auto merge ????

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Can you give us more details? Maybe some screenshots to see what may be going on. Most likely the merge threshold is not high enough, meaning the vertices are not occupying the same spaces and are ever so slightly away from one another.

    1 love
  • Ahmed Wael(Ahmed Wael) replied

    Screenshot (47).png

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  • Ahmed Wael(Ahmed Wael) replied

    l  wish l was able to mask these verts to not be auto merged

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Those vertices are too tight to have auto merge on. You should turn it off and try to clean that area dissolving some edge loops.


    Also you can select those edges that have been merged already and with Control + X  delete them, then selecting two opposite vertices, join them with J to reset that whole area.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Ahmed,

    Auto Merge can be dangerous (I personally rarely use it), as you have experienced by now. You cannot Mask Vertices, but what you can do, is Add a Weld Modifier and use a Vertex Group that is affected by the Weld, or invert that and have a Vertex Group not be affected by the Modifier.

    2 loves
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    Wish auto-merge had a similar warning option as the one for auto-keying. It's just so easy to forget to turn it back off.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Maybe when Blender has A.I built in it'll tell you. Like hey Sascha, I don't know if you've noticed, Auto Merge is on, would you like me to turn it off? You're like yes please, then 10 Minutes later you see on the news a nuclear bomb was set off in your area.

    2 loves
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    That's okay. If I have to watch the news to realize that it can't be too bad. lol As long as it turns off auto-merge.

    2 loves
  • Ahmed Wael(Ahmed Wael) replied


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