is there a tool or some thing l can lay the vertices on ...... what l mean if you look about vertices here it's not good curved ..... l can do it manually but it will be soooo time consuming ........ big love
You can try to smooth them maybe?
It's one of the tricky things about modeling, trying to make the surface stay wobble free. This is where starting over is useful. You'd think it's 3D suicide but you will probably spend much more time trying to manually fix it than to start over and try to maintain a smooth topology.
Another thing I like to do on this type of situation, is to delete opposing or extreme points and hit F to connect a straight line and get rid of the wobbliness. A small example would be to delete this two and with F the new edge that would go through it all would be straight and not have that peak. Imagine that but on very opposite extremes spanning various edge loops.
You could also try the relax function of the loop tools extension. It will try for a nicer curvature.
Select a loop and right click -> loop tools -> relax and play with the iterations in the last operations panel on the bottom right.
You won't have total control over what the curve will look like, but if you've already established a base curvature it will smooth it out.