Ctrl+Tab with armature selected does not open pie menu

I did not change my preferences to the pie menu and the behavior of Ctrl+Tab is different than Tab always opening the pie menu.

When you have an armature selected:

Ctrl+Tab switches between Object Mode + Pose Mode while Tab switches in and out of Edit Mode.

Only in Edit Mode the pie menu comes up on Ctrl+Tab.

Not really a question, but it confused me quite a bit at first and I thought I'll leave the information here for others that did not activate the pie menu on tab option. And honestly I personally find this more convenient than always clicking in the pie menu.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Yeah, that's a bit weird with Armatures...with Meshes, for instance the behavior is more consistent;

    By default, Tab toggles between last Mode and Edit Mode and CTRL+Tab opens the Pie Menu.

    With Tab for Pie Menu enabled, those two are swapped.

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Armatures have only 3 modes(Object, pose, edit).  In object mode by default blender assumes Tab for edit mode and Ctrl+Tab for other modes. Since the only other mode for armature is pose mode blender just switches you to pose mode. In the case of a mesh there are several other option so the pie menu pops up. Now in pose mode tab is for edit and ctrl+Tab switches to the only other mode. Now in edit mode blender doesn't know which mode you want to switch too. So, it pops up the Pie menu. There was some discussion about tab goes back to the last mode you where using and ctrl+tab going to the other mode, but I guess they decided to leave it as is.

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