Rational for MCH bone in World space

posted to: FK Hinge


Just curious on 2 things....

1) how come you put the MCH bone in World space (Z axis up)? Why not just keep the same orientation as the DEF bone? Pros? Cons?

2) I'm sure in rigging, there is no one method fits all...but yet not have Control bones in World space (z axis up) as much as possible? Wouldn't that be better for the animators?

1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Steve, 

    1. I can't remember if I mention the reason in this lesson or another but one of the main reasons they are in a different orientation is so they can easily be selected and identified just by looking at them.  (reduces the rigger's cognitive load).  
    Sometimes they will need to be in a specific orientation, however, when they don't  - world aligned is a good option.

    2.  Yes.  World aligned controls where it makes sense is the goal.  You will see this more in the later components of the course.

    Thanks for the questions, and I hope it answers them for you.  But let me know if you have any others when they pop up.

    1 love