How to model smooth star like this?

Hi all, I am looking for  a good way to model a smooth star like this one in the pictuer:


My attempt:My attempt.png


1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Well it looks like you've got it already.

    Maybe some more tweaking of Vertices to get it even closer, but this is pretty good as it is.

    2 loves
  • Leo (wod) replied

    I don't think you need any help, do you? :) that looks good what you have done.

    Otherwise you can simply create stars or similar with a Cirlce.
    Then scale the vertex inwards. Then work with solidify and bevel. You may then have to look at the topology, but you have solved this very well.

    2 loves
  • ashour saadi(Blendash) replied

    yes, but there is lots to arteffects, I need it more smooth, like the one in the pic above, I tried to tweaking of Vertices and its dosnt looks right.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Looks good to me as well. If you need more smoothness, just level up the SubD one extra level and you'll be golden.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Also, the reference seem to have some Subsurface Scattering in the Material, that might improve the apparent smoothness as well.

    3 loves