Locking a handle while manipulating everything else

posted to: Rolling Ball

Per the Q title, if I select a keyframe and only it's right handle (for example) in the graph editor, can I manipulate them but have the left handle stay in it's place? Currently, even if I don't have the handle on the left selected, it'll still manipulate with everything selected.

One half-solution, however, it's not exactly what I want; is to set the 2s cursor at the left handle, select everything else (not inc the left handle), set the pivot point to 2D Cursor, and then scale it. It remain in place on the X axis, but it'll move up on the Y. I could scale everything on the X-axis only but that puts a restraint on what I'd hope to do. 

So, ignoring that, is it possible to lock a handle in place and manipulate everything else, whether it's via moving or scaling? Or would that cause implications in how the graph works?

visual example here

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Harris,

    I don't know about locking a Handle, but you can change the Handle Type:


    Is that sort of what you were asking?

    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Ooh I'm afraid not. I had a go at doing just that but it didn't do what I had hoped. Unless I did it wrong and it infact can do what I'm wanting. 

    I tried changing the handle types in the n-panel but they all still moved as one.

    On a completely separate note though I did find out that you can hide the handles with control + H which makes it easier to see my curves when I need to hah!

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Harris, I don't think there is a way to lock those handles.  There used to be a bug that accidentally left them behind when you did a specific action but that has been repaired.

    But did you know you could copy and paste array data (for example the x,y,z location all at once.)
    In this case though you can grab the position of the handle before the move and then paste it back after.

    Hover over the input box for the handle and press CTRL ALT C
    Mover you keyframe
    then hover and paste the handle position with CTRL ALT V

    Here's a snippet of that - but if anyone is watching in the future, it will likely be goneskies.

    1 love