Theory Question, Active Element

Checking out the new course, looks great so far! Always been a little intimidated by the newer and newer versions.
Now, If do our selection the way we do for parenting an object to some amount of others, if we DON'T parent and just set the pivot point, this essentially does the same thing right?
So in practice does parenting just do all that for us?

If we look past the, you know, the whole blender child relative to world vs parent and being reset if we unparent.
More like we parent and keep transform unparent every transformation I suppose. With that in mind, would just doing active pivot point be quicker?

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    No. Pivot point and parenting are different things. Children of an object inherit the transforms(location rotation and scale) of the parent. Pivot point is the point at which a transform is performed. There are time where they look similar. For example rotating 2 objects using active element as long as the active element is what would have been the parent. Now if you scale with active element you will get a different result, because to mimic parent child you would need to change to individual origins.