Motor rotation

How can I make motor rotation linear or at constant speed? When I hit play, it starts up slower, then speed rises - motion looks like bezier curve applied....
1 love
  • Leo (wod) replied

    Maybe there is a more “elegant” solution, but you can achieve it in any case by lowering the mass and friction of the cylinder.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Gatis,

    You can also just start the Animation a few Frames later than the Physics Simulation, when the motor has arrived at a constant speed.

    A motor in real life wouldn't start at full speed either. And a linear speed increase would also be physically hard to achieve.

    2 loves
  • Gatis Pastars(Gatis) replied

    Ahhh...yes, that makes sense! Thanks!

    1 love