Objects overlaping

posted to: Scene Properties

Why some of the balls are getting inside of platform (and not bouncing off), if all balls have the same physics properties and they get stucked inside the platform (they stop, but keep spinning - like rolling)?balls.png

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    That is usually a matter of tweaking some Settings. Maybe start with the Rigid Body World Settings Substeps Per Frame and Solver Iterations:


    And I recommend to only change one thing at a time.

    2 loves
  • Gatis Pastars(Gatis) replied

    Ok thanks, I tried to increase substeps and iterations from 10 to 20 (both) and it seem to work good! I don`t know if these values make sense...but seems to fix the issue.

    Here is my final render: https://youtu.be/k-FQ-7O556Q

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Nice looking Render Gatis!

    The placement of the pins is not correct for a working Galton board though. After the balls hit the first pin they go either left or right, and (most) go between the pins of the next rows:


    I made one that gives a better distribution:


    2 loves
  • Gatis Pastars(Gatis) replied

    Ok, got that! Thanks!

    • 👍
    1 love